Surfing – 5 top tips for the new wave riding season.

Surfing season for the masses is coming quick smart. We’ve already had February half term. Next up are the Easter holidays. Which traditionally sees the kick off for watersports. In particular surfing and those who’ve been in winter hibernation. If you’re dusting down your surfboards and gear here are 7 tips to follow to ensure your 2024 summer of surf starts on the right foot.

1. Make sure your surfing wetsuit is in good working order.

This is perhaps the most important. A good quality wetsuit surfing is a must. Especially in the UK or colder Northern Hemisphere seas. Even more so this coming Easter as the dates are earlier. Meaning water temps will be at their coldest.

If your wetsuit’s been gathering dust over winter make sure you reach it out and check it over. If there are any nicks or holes you’ll need to repair them. For anyone struggling to do this get in touch with us at NCW as we offer a wetsuit repair service. For those needing to replace their wetsuit, North Coast Wetsuits can sort you with a brand spanking new wetty (we also do part exchange) or a fully repaired and overhauled used wetsuit. We have options for all budgets.

2. Give your surfboard some TLC.

As with surfing wetsuits your surfboard is probably requiring some TLC. Surfboards are, unfortunately, prone to damage. Give your stick a once over and make sure there’s no serious damage. Key areas to look at are the board’s nose and tail and fin boxes. Fins have a habit of getting squashed when in storage resulting in broken skegs or boxes.

Surfing wtesuits and the right time of year
Give your surfboard some TLC BEFORE the season kick off.

If you can repair dings yourself we’d suggest getting on this sooner rather than later. For those who can’t, or if your board needs serious attention, give it to your local shaper or ding repairer. Also, give your sled a new coat of wax and perhaps replace your leash if it’s had a long life.

3. Kid’s surfboards and wetsuits.

For riders who slide with their kids, you’ll have to do all of the above with their boards and wetsuits. NCW are specialists suppliers of kids’ surfing wetsuits. So if your offspring require a wetsuit MOT of a new suit have a look at our online shop where you’ll find premium kiddy neoprene without the premium price tag.

Also, as well as used adult wetsuits we also deal in second hand kid’s wetsuits. This may be the best choice for you and your family. Get in touch with us to see what current used kiddy wetsuit stock we have.

4. Get surfing mobile.

For those who’ve spent winter waiting for spring to sprung it’s time to get mobile and work those muscles and limbs. Surfing, as all riders know, is a highly physical activity. Feeling lethargic during that first paddle out often season isn’t going to be welcome. So now’s the time to sort it.

Surfing mobile wild swimming antics.
Getting surfing mobile could involve some wild swimming action.

Grab your bike and go for a cycle, walk more or even (dare we say it) visit the gym or local swimming pool. Whatever your choice, getting surf mobile is worth doing. Even if you don’t plan on entering the brine for a few weeks yet.

5. Switch your surfing up.

We get it. Sometimes as a long standing surfer it’s hard to muster the enthusiasm to get amongst it. Especially when Mother Nature’s moods tend to be so fickle. All UK surfers are well aware of how unpredictable, fickle and inconsistent waves can be in this neck of the woods. Perhaps therefore it’s time to switch up your mode of surfing fun and do something different.

Bellyboarding IS surfing.
Bellyboarding IS surfing. Just a fringe surfing style discpline.

Fringe surfing disciplines – such as mat surf, bodysurf, bodyboarding, bellyboarding, and so on – have gained considerable traction in recent years. These disciplines allow riders to milk frothy onshore waves much more efficiently than a surfboard. And it’s fun. Sometimes more so than logging or shortboarding. In most cases, fringe surfing craft – such as bellyboards – aren’t that expensive either. Trust us when we say you may have more fulfilment ‘surfing’ in a fringe way than any other. Check out NCW’s range of bellyboards and bodyboards via teh link below.

Summing up.

Here at North Coast Wetsuits we’re super keen to share the stoke and help you and your families enjoy that much needed surfing time as much as possible this season. But we also appreciate that wallets are constrained. 

Hopefully, you can see how we’re trying to combat the costs of watersports with the products and services we provide. Getting back in the surf in 2024 doesn’t need to break the bank. If you need a hand with any new equipment drop us a line or give us a call.