NCW has teamed up with Dick Pearce & Friends bellyboards to offer you FREE bellyboard hire. This is part of the Dick Pearce & Friends’ Surf Wood For Good campaign. Each summer thousands of disposable, cheaply made bodyboards and surfboards end up in landfill. We all know single use plastic is bad for the environment. It’s the same with wave riding craft.

Crafted lovingly from wood Dick Pearce & Friends bellyboards are much friendlier to the planet offering far greater longevity. Plus, riding a wooden bellyboard is a more natural activity, just as fun and plenty versatile. You don’t need to be super experienced. Kids and adults alike get on great with bellyboarding. And it’s a really easy way to access the thrill of wave riding – even if you’re not shredding massive surf (which you don’t need to be).
NCW is therefore pleased to offer a range of Dick Pearce & Friends bellyboards for loan. We have two Dick Pearce & Friends Surfrider bellyboards. You’re able to loan them for 24 hours from the time collected. Give the Rubber Shack a call to check availability.
How NCW Free bellyboard loan works.
Before you hotfoot it down to the beach we ask you to fill in the following on site at The Rubber Shack –
I understand that the board loan is entirely at my own risk and I will return the board in the same condition as when it was borrowed:
I understand that the board loan is entirely at my own risk and I will return the board in the same condition as when it was borrowed.
We also take a small refundable deposit of £1 so we can verify your card in case you fail to return or damage the board in which case you will be responsible for the cost of a new board. Upon return of the bellyboard(s) this is put straight back on your card.
Bellyboard user info.
If you’ve never used a bellyboard, or have limited experience in the surf, it’s worth digesting the following.

Be Safe! Always bellyboard at a lifeguarded beach, between the red and yellow flags.
Bellyboards are NOT floatation devices – always to be used by proficient swimmers and/or under adult supervision.
What is bellyboarding? How riding wood is different?
Our bellyboards are made from 9mm sustainable birch plywood. Bellyboards have no floatation, they act as a planing surface on top of water.
They are different to a foam boogie board which is designed to float you – bellyboarding sits between riding a foam boogie board and body surfing. It’s the best feeling!
Stand in thigh deep water. Always bellyboard at a lifeguarded beach, between the red and yellow flags. Be safe!
Ideally you need to be in thigh deep water, this allows you to get a strong push off the bottom.
Push the tail of the board into your hips, while holding the board as close to the nose as possible. You may have to stick your bum out a little! Practice this at home if you need to get used to it 🙂
Wave Selection.
Getting a good ride is all about wave selection and timing. It’s important to choose a good, powerful looking wave that will propel you forward with speed. Try and choose a wave that’s recently broken and has power left in it. Wave selection needs to be learned over time and this comes with experience. You’ll soon be picking the best waves of the set!
As the wave is just behind you (about 1 second before it hits you), you need to jump forward and out onto the water in front of the wave. If timed correctly, the wave will push you along and you’ll be bellyboarding!
Timing is everything! Too early and you’ll sink and the wave will pass over you. Too late and you will miss the wave. This can take a few attempts if you’ve never tried before!
You should hold the nose of the board with your arms stretched out in front of you. Your belly and chest should be on the lower half of the board.
Enjoy the ride.
Wave riding is a lot of fun, enjoy the ride, turn around and have another go! That’s bellyboarding for beginners covered, we’d love to hear how you get on.