Children in the water – is it too early (and too cold) for kiddy watersports?

We’ve recently had a period of mild conditions in the UK with generally lighter winds and warmer air temperatures. With people desperate to escape the confines of their homes and get their kids back into the new season swing of watersports it’s been tempting for a dip. But is it still too cold – in the water and out – for your offspring to be in the drink?

Early season kiddy SUP fun, 2021.

It’s a case of picking and choosing your days and timings accordingly, based on how hardy your child (or children) are. Plus the right location. Avoiding typically deep water, where they’re more likely to be submersed, is a good idea. Of course, we appreciate not everyone has access to such stretches of H2O. And with lockdown restrictions still in place getting to a suitable spot may also be tricky. For those who can make it work, however, then there’s no reason not to be getting your kids back in the brine.

Good wetsuits and wetsuit accessories (such as booties/shoes) are important. A 3mm summer suit won’t cut it. Your children need proper full winter wetsuits with at least 5mm thickness. Consider the getting changed process as well. Warm, fleece lined towelling change robes will help. And don’t aim for a full day session. It might only be a short period of time, during the middle part of the day when it’s at its warmest, that’ll be applicable for a child friendly dip.

With Easter 2021 being early this year there’ll be plenty of families looking to enjoy some watersports fun. Make sure you have the right kit – especially for your offspring – and there’s no reason why you won’t be loving it.

Get in touch for any questions or queries about NCW’s range of kiddy friendly wetsuits and accessories.