Yep, it’s official. The man from Cork (Dave Ludgate) is now in possession of a wing foiling wing. Having been focused on windfoiling, and still having flying above water with a sail as a going concern, he’s also now gotten hold of a wing.
With help from our sister site, Foilshop UK, and Ftero Surf a Dome II wing is poised and ready for the right conditions that’ll allow Dave to get amongst it. You may think doing the double, and learning both windsurf and wingfoiling will be a plate very much full. But actually, the two complement one another perfectly.

As the autumnal winds continue to rev up, and Dave gets set for those low pressure systems, it’s going to be interesting watching his progress unfurl. Stay tuned for more from Dave as he continues his everyman foiling journey.
Big thanks again to Ftero Surf!
Check out previous installments via the links below –
And keep up to date with Subowti (Dave) here.