Family surfing holidays can be great experience for all involved. We won’t deny – being parents ourselves – juggling kids can sometimes be a mission. Therefore including them in your recreational holiday time, getting them involved, can be a good thing. Mum and dad get their share of water time whilst introducing offspring to the pleasures of the beach and ocean.
Family surfing holidays.
In our experience, when you’re looking to score some proper surfing it doesn’t always work out with the family in tow. For various reasons, it may be better to plan those trips at the other times. (Unless the stars happen to align, in which case take it!).

Mostly though family holidays should be approached accordingly. Use the time to introduce your kids to the ways of water. Make it fun and broaden your horizons. We’re not saying everyone shouldn’t have fun. Just do things that are tailored to your group instead of chasing making offshore waves. Which rarely happens in summer anyway!

Kids wetsuits
Note: for anyone looking for family friendly surfing holiday info check out NCW’s min guides here.
These days surfing doesn’t have to mean riding prone short boards. Surfing can be about anything that slides along in the ocean, propelled by a pulse of watery energy. White water can (and often is) enough. Especially where kids are concerned.

Having this mindset means that even onshore, breezy beach days can be good for some fun. White water and flotsam is fine for the likes of kiddy bellyboading, bodyboarding and bodysurfing. And whilst we use these terms to describe the activity they’re going to every loose in terms actual experience. Nobody’s looking for the ‘hardcore’ here. It’s more about simple family fun.
So what kind of family surfing fun is there to be had?
With all the above in mind, there are plenty of way to make fun use of your time at the beach whilst on holiday. Tapping into what many call ‘fringe surfing’ disciplines these ways of wave riding or perfect aligned to family fun times. Here are a few of what ways of riding you could be indulging in.

Bodyboards & skimboards
A classic, that’s been around forever. Bodyboarding is a great introduction to surfing for your kids. It’s even its own thing in its own right. Later, down the line (no pun intended) if your children are still into bodyboarding they can take things to the extreme and ride some incredibly challenging waves. But for now, hitting the white water can often be enough. Check out NCW’s range of bodyboarding gear here.

Another timeless discipline that’s an oldie but goody. Sliding mellow bumps atop a simple wooden ‘machine’ is perhaps the activity that most embodies the ‘fringe surfing’ culture we’ve seen steadily growing over recent years. NCW offer a range of bellyboards and bellyboarding kit here. We’re even offering FREE bellyboard hie for those who are in the area and able to make use of it.

Bellyboards bellyboarding
Riding waves with just you and yourself with no board is for some the most pure form of surfing. It can be done anywhere there’s a bump. Shorebreak, white water and waves proper are all good for a bit of bodysurfing action. Kids love it as well as bodysurfing teaches a lot about the surf environment without them even realising it. NCW sells swim fins that can be used for bodysurf as well as bodyboarding which you can see here.

SUP boards, paddles & kit
SUP surfing
You don’t need a hard stand up paddle board to ride waves. In fact, a hard shell paddle board perhaps isn’t the wisest when mixing it with kids and waves. The soft nature of an inflatable means there’ll be less likelihood of it causing injury to your family or others. And, of course, blow up paddle boards can be used on flat water when there’s no surf making them even more versatile. NCW currently has an inflatable SUP sale on (as of Jul 6, 2023), for those interested in getting hold of some kit.

Kayak surfing
Sit on top kayak surfing can be amazing laughs. If the waves are particularly small a sit on will lap up the conditions royally. There’s plenty of glide with a sit on kayak. Just be aware they are heavy so stay out of the way of others and make sure your family wear protection like helmets. NCW stocks a variety of sit on top kayaks and accessories which you can find here.

Actual surfing
Yep, we couldn’t write a list like this and not include surfing. But the type of surfing we’re suggesting the uber fun version where riders use soft top surfboards. Soft top surfboards are great learning tools for kids as well as being a bit of a laugh for mum and dad. And guess what? Yep! NCW has a small range of soft top surfboards that are awesome for messing about in the flotsam. You can find those here and here.
As you can see there are plenty of ways to make use of waves when at the beach. Some of which we haven’t even mentioned. You don’t need to go all hardcore when talking family surfing holidays. Instead, have giggle and do something different instead.
For any questions about any of the products mentioned get in touch with us at NCW.