We posted this weather update a couple of days back. And true to form it’s still looking on for a prolonged period of fine, dry and settled weather in the UK. In some places this morning (Fri July 1, 2022) there’s a nagging breeze. Which has been a factor this summer so far. But a change is gonna come… Every reputable forecast outlet and model says so.
Taking the above into consideration we saw this snippet from our friends at UK Weather. They take their forecasting cues from the GFS model.

The output this morning is still showing very warm weather in the form of high pressure developing later next week, especially towards next weekend (next week).
The GFS model goes on to show 37c temperatures the following week which looks unlikely of course but it keeps churning out the same output. The chart for next Saturday shows warm. With even warmer to come Sunday with temperatures pushing 29c/30c for many!
Why are we telling you this? Well, it’s going to be the perfect time for getting to the coast, relaxing at the beach, stand up paddle boarding, bodyboarding, bellyboarding or wild swimming. Those are just some of the activities that tend to jump in popularity with good weather. Surfing as well!

We know many have been holding off on potential gear purchases for a period of weather like this. But now’s the time. Here at NCW we have all you need to maximise the imminent good weather. Whether watersports gear or outdoor adventure kit we can sort you right out. All we want to see is you have the best time with the best equipment.
So, fingers crossed this all comes to fruition. Get in touch if you have any questions about any of our gear. Head over to the webshop where you’ll find all those goodies.