Windsurfing sunrise sessions are special. Particualrly if you happen to live in a beautiful place like southern Ireland. As NCW team rider Dave Ludgate does. It may be chilly these days but when the forecast looks on you just have to get involved.
Windsurfing sunrise preparedness.
With NCW’s brand new rigging jacket adorned the morning chill is no match. Jack Frost’s got nothing on Dave and co! Add the awesome Nautix Windsurfing Freeride 6m sail and Tahe Techno windsurfing board, plus an amazing Irish location and you have some magic in the pot.

Preparing for some windsurfing sunrise goodness can be just as good as the windsurfing itself. especially in a place like Dave is. Even if the wind gods don’t play ball just being at the spot and enjoying the ambiance is great for anyone’s headspace.
Freeride sailing around Cork.
Dave’s local is a fabulous place to sail. There are abundant nooks and crannies to make use of whatever the weather, wind and tide. This means whatever flavor of windsurfing you’re looking for can usually be found here. Just check out the drone video and you’ll see what we mean.
For those who fancy their own bit of windsurfing sunrise fun we have all the gear you’ll need in the NCW webshop. From actual windsurfing hardware itself to all those essential accessories we’ve got you covered. And you don’t have to be just windsurfing at sunrise either! Any time of day’s good for a blast…
You can see a list of the gear Dave’s using below. Any questions about these products just holla.