Skateboarding fits right in with surfboard quivers – and vice versa. Skaters surf and surfers skate, simples. And just as with surfboards a plethora of different skate styles and sleds cater for all manner of tastes. Surf skating and longboarding in particular float our boat at NCW.
Skateboarding for flat wave days.
A previous article talked about downhill skateboarding for surfers. Bomb it, drop it, slide it, grind it or cruise it. Your typical skateboard, longboard and surf skate rider can use rolling on fours to mirror their surf leanings.

Surfskates & skateboards
When the waves go cruddy or you just can’t be bothered to don the rubber there’s always the surf skate or longboard waiting for you. Head for a bit of undulated terrain and pump it. Hit the bowl, get low and touch the ground or pivot style. Just go for a glide. And if you haven’t already worked it out getting on your skateboard is a great way to travel to and from the beach for a surf. Two sports in one and eco-friendly to boot – it’s all good.
Summer flatness – skateboard wins!
As summer approaches there will be inevitable flat spells or periods of onshore slop which aren’t always attractive conditions. But with deck in hand (or underfoot) there’s still a way to get your fix. And don’t forget NCW supply a range of terra firma goods to kit you out for skating or other land-based activities.

Check out our range of longboard skateboards, surf skates, mountain boards and skateboarding accessories here.
Stay loose…