Jellyfish stings – can wetsuits stop them? This is something we get asked a lot. For anyone in the ocean jellyfish (especially during summer) are a regular occurrence. Many get washed up on our shores after big swells or storms. On calm, clear days you’re also likely to see jellies floating about. Some can be huge! Jellyfish shouldn’t be feared though. Instead, give them a wide birth. Also, a good quality wetsuit can help reduce the pain of jellyfish stings.
Jellyfish in UK waters.
We published an article about jellyfish in UK waters a while ago. You can read that here. The post talks about the types most commonly found around our coastline. It also gives a bit of advice about how to prevent jelly stings.
In a nutshell wearing a wetsuit will help prevent jelly stings. The thicker the wetsuit the more protection you’ll get. But we appreciate not everyone wants to be wearing a 5mm winter steamer in summer. At the very least you’ll overheat, which is also a hazard. What could be worth doing, however, is wearing a thermal rash vest beneath your summer wetsuit if you’re thinking jellyfish may be in the mix. Covering your extremities – such as arms and legs – is also wise. You may also choose to wear hand and head coverings too.
Your choice.
By and large, jellies are more of a nuisance than serious. Some people can suffer more with allergic reactions though so we’d urge caution in these instances. Even though wetsuits will protect against jelly stings you’ll still feel something and the allergic reaction may occur regardless.

Be prepared is NCW’s motto. And be prepared also. Knowing when jellyfish may be floating in the shallows (clam, warmer day for instance) is half the battle. Ultimately the ocean is their domain, not ours, so we should respect that.
If you want to read more about protecting yourself from jellyfish stings then hit up this article.