Learning to windsurf foil with Dave Ludgate – vlog #7.

Learning to windsurf foil takes time. All foiling does, whatever your chosen flight discipline. The chap from Cork has been on a journey the last few months since starting out. He himself would say it hasn’t been plain sailing – it rarely is. Chuck in a few significant life changing events and it all conspired to put the brakes on good intentions. But recently Mr Ludgate turned a corner with wind foiling…

A change of venue, a window of opportunity and the planets aligning meant Dave got the chance to head afloat for some foiling fun once more. The foundational building blocks of foiling that had gone before has stood him in good stead. And with gritted teeth, plus all that’s been learned, Dave enjoyed the best windfoiling sesh he’s had to date. Sunny, consistent breeze sure helps. As does warm water and the right peripheral gear (NCW wetsuits being one!).

But hats off to Dave for sticking with it and persevering. Foiling isn’t easy, whichever route you choose to go down. There’s a degree of dedication needed. And all foilers go through the frustration barrier. And yet Dave shows that the everyman can indeed learn how to foil. You don’t need to be a pro level windsurfer to enjoy some foiling fun. Check out Dave’s progress in the latest video above. Be sure to scope the series via the clips below too! Big thanks to Foilshop UK and Lyon Watersports for helping with this series. You can follow Dave on social channels here and here.