Bodyboarding delivers so much that surfing doesn’t – for the everyday wave rider that is. Whilst surfing’s great and all it does require a lot more dedication, patience and perseverance during those initial stages. The pop up (getting to your feet) alone can be a chore to master. And then there’s developing paddling fitness to get out beyond the breaking waves and onto the peak.
Many people holidaying in Cornwall are into surf sports – or at least like the idea of riding waves. Yet this can often be confined to these prime time months when there’s time off work and school to be had. Galivanting around the country on a forecast to score decent swell isn’t an option for many. But unfortunately, because of the UK’s fickle surfing nature waves don’t behave just because you have a window of opportunity.

Step forward the humble bodyboard. Bodyboards were developed by Tom Morey in 1971 as an answer to lying down on the job. This isn’t a criticism. He wanted to help open up the surf environment to all comers. And that means being prone for a good many.

Bodyboarding has sure come a long way since those early days. The hardcore elite are noted as being fearless hellmen and women. Often charging the heaviest, slabbiest waves they can find ‘core bodyboarders are given utmost respect. But for you and I it doesn’t have to be like that. Bodyboarding’s beauty is that it can straddle the mellow end of the spectrum just as it can cater for pros.

Here at NCW we love a bit of bodyboarding. and we carry a whole range of products in store at The Rubber Shack, close to some of Cornwall’s premium surf estate. Polzeat his just down the road in one direction whilst Trebarwith can be found in the opposite. And there’s even more!
If you want to enjoy all that surfing goodness that Cornwall offers during summer holidays why not pop into The Rubber Shack and pick up your own bodyboarding equipment? It won’t break the bank, Has plenty of longevity to not end up in landfill after one or two sessions and will keep all the family entertained. You can check out NCW’s range of bodyboarding gear here online before you pop in. Or give us a call to discuss your bodyboarding wants/needs.