NCW beginner’s guide to surfing – and other digital publications.

You may have seen and read issue of NCW’s new digital surfing magazine Immersion. You may have also seen and read NCW’s wetsuit guide. The former is designed to bring the stoke whilst the latter is aimed at helping you choose and look after your chosen wetsuit. Continuing this trend NCW has now published its beginner’s guide to surfing.

As we always say we want to give NCW customers as much good stuff as possible, including information and knowledge. This is key to maximising your time in the brine as well as improving within whatever chosen discipline(s) yours happens to be. The more knowledge you have the better equipped for whatever Mother Nature bowls your way.

Surfing is a core discipline for NCW. And whilst we do talk about the advanced end of the sport we also have a keen eye on beginners and families who partake in a bit of wave sliding. This is why we’ve put together the NCW beginner’s guide to surfing digital publication which you can find by clicking the image below.

And if you’ve yet to read Immersion magazine #1 then you’ll find it via the relevant image above. Likewise with the NCW guide to wetsuits which you can view via this link. Stay tuned for more good stuff, like this, coming from NCW soon.