Any regular follower of NCW will know we’re not just about water. We love all types of outdoor shenanigans – especially something that involves sideways gliding on boards. Being fans of skating the electrically powered, one wheel style is but an evolution of that. And it’s certainly a way to get your fix when the weather’s brass monkeys – as it currently is in the UK.
Even with water nowhere to be seen heading outdoors when it’s minus degrees requires the right clobber. Just as we’ve said on many occasions much of NCW’s kit has dual purpose versatility. What might be designed with one application in mind straddles multiple scenarios lending greater value to the products we sell.
Check the accompanying video for evidence of this. When an extra barrier against the cold is needed NCW’s hooded SUP/rigging jacket fits the bill perfectly. Whilst SUP and windsurfing were the main areas of concern when conceiving the jacket it’s since proved its worth across various areas and disciplines. In this instance, we’re talking one wheel e-powered skating.

If you’re after an additional layer then you’d do a lot worse than the NCW SUP/rigging jacket. A vital addition to your kit box it’ll come in handy more times than you can count. What would you do with yours?
Check out the product link below for more info. Get in touch with us here at The Rubber Shack if you need any more questions answered.