Over 50 used wetsuits in stock now!

If you hadn’t already clocked the fact NCW sell used and pre-loved wetsuits then we do! Not everyone can afford brand new watersports gear, we get that. And from an environmental point of view chucking wetsuits in landfill – when in a lot of instances it wouldn’t take much to get them usable – isn’t the best.

Many used wetsuits we get handed are fit for purpose right off the bat. If not, then we have our in-house repairs and alterations service that can spruce things up and have (in many cases) nearly as good as new. Certainly with plenty of life left to give.

In recent weeks NCW has accrued over 50 used wetsuits! We’ve listed a bunch of kids used wetsuit stock we have but there’s even more. If you’re looking for a kiddy or adult wetsuit then a used wetty may be the answer.

You can view some of the used kid’s wetsuit stock we have here. For any other wetsuit needs give us a holla. And if you have any used wetsuits of your own that you’re looking to be rid of also get in touch.