NCW always has a beady eye peeled for quality third party brands that we might like to stock. Whilst we have our own NCW gear additional, top shelf products help fill up our ‘catalogue’ so to speak. We don’t just put any old bits on the shelves. Third party brand goodies have to be bang on the money as far as performance and quality go.
Recently we added Frostfire to our roster of great third party brands. Some of you may remember Frostfire from a few years back as one of the first companies to introduce the lockbox key safe. Having a secure and unbreakable storage facility for your vehicle keys whilst out surfing has proved to be a real winner. No longer having to hide your keys many surfers now use this type of product regularly. But Frostfire do so much more.
If you haven’t scoped Frostfire of late here are a few choice items NCW is stocking from the company – including the ever popular Mooncode key safe, naturally.

Frostfire Mooncode portable key safe

Frostfire Moonrack portable padded roof rack

Frostfire Moontube inflatable roof rack bars

Frostfire Moonwrap kid’s change robe – camo / blue / electric blue – LTD (age: 5 – 9 year olds)
£89.99 – £99.99

Frostfire Seatzest waterproof universal seat cover

Frostfire Moonwrap long sleeve camo LTD change robe.
Check out NCW’s webshop for more Frostifre options.