Our man in Ireland, Dave Ludgate, continues to impress us with his determination and tenacity. Having started his foiling journey a while back he’s been on a hiatus for a few weeks due to the lack of wind. Recently, however, normal services was resumed.
Dave’s at the stage where he’s starting to lift and fly but not quite fully elevated and sustaining flight. It’ll come though, have no fear. In the meantime Dave’s having plenty of fun in the autumn breeze, fully protected with his NCW 5/3mm wetsuit.

It doesn’t matter how good a windsurfer you are. You may be nailing every move and not getting wet when on fin. Swap to foil, however, and it’ll be a different story whilst learning. Taking a few dunkings is just par for the course. So you’ll need proper rubber to keep you warm. Fortunately, Dave’s tooled up for the job with NCW’s 5/3mm wetsuit.
Stay tuned for a new vlog featuring Dave’s progress coming soon. In the meantime check out the full range of NCW wetsuits here.
And to scope out the windsurf kit Dave’s using hit this link.