‘Tis true! Since launching the FREE bellyboarding hire/loan initiative early this summer it’s been a resounding success. Bellyboarding is one of the simplest ways to enjoy a slide in the surf. We’re happy to say this FREE hire/loan will continue right through the rest of this year. So get involved!
In partnership with Dick Pearce & Friends bellyboards this is a great way to enjoy some swell sliding fun at the beach. If you’re liking the idea of bellyboarding action then we’d recommend giving NCW’s Rubber Shack a call to secure your slot. Based on past weeks these bits of kit have been in high demand so best to be safe rather than sorry.

We know there are plenty of people still on holiday here in Cornwall. And before we know it October half term will roll round. It’s a good time to be in the drink with a few waves to help spread a smile. And by not having to lug your own bellyboarding gear around you’ll have more freed up space.
Give us a shout now to secure your FREE bellyboard hire/loan. And hit this link to find out more.