Autumn’s definitely here (in case you missed the deluge of rain we’ve been having across the UK). It’s a little like Mother Nature suddenly said: ‘Nah, summer’s done now. September’s here!’. To be honest we can’t complain after how good it’s been.
For surfers and other watersports aficionados (especially those who like proper conditions), autumn is the yearly sweet spot. Seas and waterways are at their warmest, beaches are quieter and there’s more chance of scoring good waves.

As we said above ocean temps are peaking right now. It’ll be a few weeks before water temps dip off. But while there’s no need to crack the ice just yet it should be noted thermometer readings for the air have dropped a tad.
We may still get some Indiana Summer respite. Although forecasts don’t suggest this. So it’s best to be prepared and have the right tools for the job. Enter NCW’s 4/3mm wetsuit which is bob on for this time of year. Warm enough to keep you cosy on chillier autumn days. Yet not overly thick to cause you heat exhaustion. And actually, for those hardier souls, a good quality 4/3mm wetsuit may be usable for a lot later into winter.
For a snip of £199.95 you can be well tooled up for autumn.
Check out the full product info of NCW’s 4/3mm wetsuit via the link below. As always, if you have any queries about this or other NCW products get in touch.