As we said in a previous post nobody’s body shape is the same. And everyone’s wants/needs are different. Sizing of wetsuits, rash vests and accessories is all based on averages. In fact, that goes for anything. You name it. If it’s got a quoted size it’ll be an average of.
This is why NCW has its own in house alterations and fixing service. With Becci (our resident seamstress) we can alter nearly any product to get an accommodating fit. Whilst bespoking certain elements will see other tailor to the exact requirement a customer wants.
A case in point being a recent two items that were made to address different issues. The first is a waist belt designed to halt a customer’s rash vest from riding up. The second is a pair of rucksack strap pads. These are to stop the webbing digging into flesh whilst on the customer’s back.

Both these two products are very specific, we appreciate. But that’s reflective of people’s wants and needs. Being in the situation NCW means we can satisfy these requests. Unlike a lot of other brands who aren’t in the same position.
If you have wetsuit needs – no matter how unusual – get in touch to see what we can do.