Bodyboarding and bellyboarding – the easiest way to enjoy the surf this summer.

Bodyboarding and bellyboarding are some of the easiest ways to enjoy the summer surf. Whilst stand up surfing may look cool some people may just not be able to get to their feet. And actually, that surfing pop up does take some time to learn. If you want a quicker fix, or are looking for alternative ways to slide in the foam, then both bodyboarding and bellyboarding could scratch that itch.

Bodyboarding (in case you didn’t know) requires the rider to wear a pair of specially designed fins that will propel he/she onto their wave of choice. You can also wear fins when bellyboarding to achieve the same thing.

Bellyboarding is the more traditional way of catching waves. Using hand crafted wooden boards riders don’t even need to be out of their depth. Simply jumping onto their wave of choice from standing it’s still awesome fun. And actually, the same can be done with a bodyboard.

Both bodyboards and bellyboards are great for nippers looking to learn the ways of the wave. The two disciplines teach plenty about surf environments but never put the rider out of their comfort zone too much. It’s possible to work your way up to deeper water and bigger swell over time. Taking things one step at a time.

Here at NCW we’re big fans of both bodyboarding and bellyboarding. We sell entry/intermediate bodyboarding gear to set you off on your wave styling journey. As well as a range of wooden bellyboards we also offer FREE bellyboarding hire which is an easy way to find if the activity’s for you. Should you find that to be the case then you can always acquire your own bellyboarding gear at a later date.

Wave riding doesn’t have to be all ‘gnarly dude extreme’. It can be mellow and, most importantly, fun! Bodyboarding and bellyboarding certainly deliver on those promises. So if you’re looking for some of the most fun ways of ‘surfing’ this summer check out NCW’s range of bodyboarding and bellyboard gear here and here.

As always let us know if you have any questions.