Summer weather has been abundant of late. And right across the UK too. Ok, we appreciate that it hasn’t been quite the headline grabbing heatwave those weather bods predicted. And interestingly the Met Office made reference to this during their weather update as part of Country File (if you’re into that kind of thing) on Sunday May 15, 2022.
None the less it’s been a pleasant weather period with plenty of sunshine for most. And those who like a bit of storm spotting will also have been well served with interspersed cells of lightning and thunder cracking off.
One thing we have noticed is the water temperature starting to rise. We’ve talked about sea warmth in previous blog posts and how spring is the coldest time of year when in the ocean. It’s also been said that as air temperatures increase the water will also follow suit. If lagging a little in terms of actual weeks. Well, it’s now nice to feel this is happening. On good authority, we have it that the south coast water temperature is now considerably higher than at the start of spring. This trend will certainly continue.
As both sea and air get warmer the big news for watersports nuts is being able to shed that thicker rubber. Some riders may have already been using 4/3mm wetsuits. Whereas others may have stuck with their 5mm+ winter wetties. Rising mercury levels do see less need for this and more opportunity to wear 3mm suits. (Of course, the caveat to this are rubbish weather days where Mr Sunshine’s goes on hiatus. You may still need a thicker bit of rubber then).
Our point is having different options, in terms of wetsuits, will see you at your most comfortable. And a 3/2mm in your kit box is an essential bit of gear. For whatever type of watery scenario you have in mind. The good news is NCW has Typhoon Storm3 TFlex Men’s 3/2mm back zip wetsuits on sale! And we know everyone loves a bargain – which these most definitely are!

You can see from the accompanying pics and vid our frequent flyer using a Typhoon 3/2mmm to good effect. With a discipline such as foiling, you need a wetsuit that’s both warming yet also flexible to accommodate overexaggerated body movements. It also needs to be durable.
Check out the Typhoon Storm3 TFlex Men’s 3/2mm back zip wetsuit product link below. We have plenty of sizes for all shapes of wearer. But as always if you have any questions get in touch.

Typhoon Storm3 TFlex Men’s 3/2mm back zip wetsuit – SALE!
And don’t forget to check out more good stuff over on NCW’s blog here.