Pics: Oli Lane-Peirce.
Perhaps you got into stand up paddling a while back and are now looking for a new discipline with synergy to tap into. Or maybe you’re already well acquainted with using your arms, such as when surfing, and looking to train when the waves go on hiatus. It might be prone paddling pricks your interest on its own merit…

Proning’s been around for ages. For anyone who’s seen the Hollywood surf flick Chasing Mavericks you’ll note prone paddle boards come into the story as a young Jay Moriarty is made to use one to up his paddle game before taking on the hallowed Half Moon Bay big wave spot.
Whilst this portrayal of prone paddling is all glitz and glamour the premise is correct. Paddling a prone board will indeed get any surfer fitter and more ready for tackling hardcore conditions. But it’s not just a bolt on to surfing…

Downwind SUP was all the rage among watermen and women a few years back. Chasing bumps and riding rolling swell, the wind on their backs, hailed as the best thing since sliced bread. Way before that, however, proners were chasing bumps and arguably doing the thing much more efficiently than any stand up. It’s aslo said that being in prone position puts riders in closer contact with the water so is more of a purer experience. You make your own decision about that…

The most successful world champion prone paddling athlete, who you’ve probably never heard of, is Australia’s Jamie Mitchell. Paddling the Molokai 2 Oahu channel on his prone board – the world championship of paddle boarding events – Mitcho has won the comp 10 times and long been hailed as a master of prone paddling.
If you know anything about the M2O event you’ll be aware of just how unforgiving the ‘Channel of Bones’ can be. This makes Mitcho’s dominance of the event all the more impressive.

Back in the real world, however, and prone paddle boarding can simply offer a different way to enjoy the water and deliver some physical well being. There’s no questing paddling prone will give you a work out. This in itself can become the addictive element for some proners. And for those who still yearn to stand and paddle, well, if you have the skills you can of course rise up and sweep a 21″ wide displacement hull – but it’s tricky!

Here at NCW we love all kinds of watersports. There’s a place for everything – prone paddle boarding included. We have all the wetsuit gear you’ll need for proning and are happy to chat through your requirements. If you’re getting out for some prone action this summer then hit us up and let us know.
Thanks to Hypr Hawaii UK for the loan of the 14′ x 21″ demo prone paddle board you can see in teh accompanying pics.
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