With us being well into September you’d be for forgiven for thinking it’s too cold for just boardshorts. Yet air temperatures can still be warm on certain days, and the water is at it balmiest (for a whil eyet), which makes for an enticing prospect – especially if you’re a stand up paddle boarder who likes a spot of fair weather.

Enter subject A in the associated pics and vid. This, believe it or not, was Oli’s first proper go at stand up paddle boarding, and whilst there were a few dunkings (sorry we couldn’t resist posting the vid) he did great. All the while fending off wind chill with NCW’s long sleeve, hooded thermal rashvest.
We’re not suggesting everybody go afloat in minimal attire. Things like hypothermia and cardiac shock are certainly risks. If you’re looking for the right gear to enhance your stand up paddle boarding sessions, however, then NCW has you covered (literally) – whether that be full wetsuits, layering garments and lighter SUP clothing, drybag carry alls for keeping essentials moisture free or your wet kit stowed separately during the journey home. Basically, we know SUP and can provide everything you need – even boards and paddles!
Check out NCW’s SUP section for more.