Are you a young surfing or watersports nut that fancies getting involved with a wetsuit company like North Coast Wetsuits? If so, we need you!
We’re just putting the finishing touches to a range of junior NCW front zip wetsuits and they need testing. Obviously us oldies here at The Rubber Shack aren’t exactly the right shape or size to do it ourselves. Plus, we won’t ever look as good as you groms. Hence why we’re putting the call out.
If you’re between the ages of 10yrs and 14yrs and have a passion for surfing or other watersports like windsurfing, kitesurfing, bodyboard, kayaking, skim, stand up paddle boarding, bodysurfing or similar then give us a holla. We’d love you test these new front zip NCW wetsuits (see pic below) and give us your thoughts.

In exchange for wetsuit product from NCW, at zero cost, we ask that you communicate what you think of these new wetsuits to help us improve our designs. Also, we’d like to see pics and/or video of you using these suits that we’d then share and use for our blog and social media. Mums and dads we’ll need your consent on this.
We should add that you don’t need to be pro level in your chosen discipline. You don’t need to be the next Kelly Slater. You simply have to love getting in the water and doing your thing.
If you think you fit the bill then get in touch –
01208 880 839
NOTE: Applications are open now with correspondence back taking place in September 2020.