One of our biggest selling products are kiddy wetsuits. Not the cheap type you find in supermarkets during summer. We’re talking proper rubber that’ll keep your offspring warm and toasty – whether splashing in rock pools or taking things further and getting into watersports proper.
One watersport which is arguably slightly harder to get your children into is windsurfing. Mainly because of the rig (sail, mast, boom). In recent years there’s a whole raft of kiddy gear applicable which has made it much better for kids to learn. We spoke to our windy contacts to get a few tips if you’re thinking about getting your kids into windsurfing.
Keep it fun
Kids don’t want to be ‘drilled’ and taught. They want fun times in the water. This may include simply jumping off the board and splashing about, with a bit of sailing thrown in for good measure when chances arise. Don’t stress if they’re seemingly not that bothered. The stimulus of being around windsurf gear and associated environments will rub off (maybe).
Get a kiddy friendly rig
Forget trying to teach your kids to windsurf on a small adult sail. These will still be too heavy. And the boom’s diameter won’t be fit for purpose. The type in the associated pic of this article is perfect. We know O’Shea well as we sell the brand’s inflatable SUPs. The Grom rig is no different in terms of it being a quality piece of kit fit for purpose. Get in touch with us as we can get hold of them no problem.

Use an inflatable SUP
Talking about stand up paddle boards inflatables with the ability to attach a windsurf rig are perfect for kids learning. They’re much softer and forgiving of falls than hard windy boards and will take a bit more abuse with parents not having to worry about dings. Usually, iSUPs have the option of attaching smaller, softer fins. You can remove the large central fin and make use of super shallow water thereby instilling confidence in your little one.
The right weather
Even when you suit and boot your kids in appropriate neoprene they’re still likely to get colder, quicker than adults. Therefore take them out on warmer days – preferably during the hottest part, such as midday onwards. Keep an eye on them though. Kids have a tendency to turn blue and not say anything! Make sure you have a warm, change of clothes close to hand so you can whip them out of the water when they’re done.
The right wind
Avoid strong gusty winds. This may be an obvious one but you need lighter airs to start with, gradually building your child’s windsurfing confidence so he/she can get comfortable. Progression should be kept in mind but small steps rather than giant leaps. And don’t try and teach in offshore breeze or where there’s strong current.

Wiping out
Everybody wipes out, so make it fun. Don’t turn dropping the sail into a drama. If you child falls and the sail lands on top of them get them to push up a tad or swim out – they should be wearing a buoyancy aid and maybe a helmet anyway. In shallow water, which is where ideally they’ll be learning, this won’t be an issue. Obviously keep them safe but equally don’t put them off by panicking!
Keep your kids as safe possibly whilst they learn anything in the water. For windsurfing have them wear a bouyancy aid. And if they have a tendency to float off attach a tether, should as floating line, that can be attached to the board.
Don’t push too hard
If your kids aren’t into it then don’t push to try and convince them. They’ll push back and possibly won’t get hooked if you make it too much of chore. Softly softly and all that.
Give us a call if you want to discuss O’Shea stand up paddle boarding product.