Dave Ludgate – aka subowti (on Instagram) – is still at it, across in Ireland, doing his best to clean up the Cork coastline aboard his SUP. It’s a relentless mission but somebody’s got to…
With the recent good weather he’s been getting plenty of paddling time in, SUPing past those recognisable landmarks within Cork Harbour. We love Dave’s work, which is why NCW supports him, so definitely worth checking out his Instagram profile.

If you’re looking for top shelf clobber for stand up paddle boarding then head across to NCW’s online shop where you’ll discover the NCW Longjohn and Shortjohn suits. These are great for summer paddling as stand alone (no pun intended) garments or for layering up in the colder months. Also, NCW’s neoprene rashvests which, again, make for great one piece summer paddling items to work as part of an overall layered system.
Ask for more info if you have any questions about stand up paddle boarding or NCW gear in general.