Surfing can help with your overall quality of life. You may have seen the news article, currently doing the rounds, about French doctors prescribing surfing and SUP for depression and general well-being. Wave riding addicts everywhere may be smirking inwardly, thinking: ‘I’ve been telling you this for ages’. Well, now it’s official.
More health benefits surfing can deliver.
Worth pointing out, however, is that it’s not just the act of surfing that can help alleviate depression, keep joints in tip top working order, and muscles in shape, and trigger positive endorphins – that lead to happiness and contentment. It’s being outside and participating in general physical activity. Even walking to the shops regularly can help – and this isn’t just for adults either!

Whether it be hitting the surf for a sneaky session, getting out for a blast on your windsurfing kit, meandering your kayak or simply taking a bracing stroll along cliffs with the dog, physical activity is good for all of us. And let’s not forget breathing in that salty sea air – the beneficial properties of which have also been broadcast for years. (Asthma sufferers will understand this last point).
Pick your days in winter.
OK, we appreciate picking your days is key during the off season (winter) but windows of opportunity still present themselves – even among howling onshores, Arctic blasts and mizzlely weather. In this hectic world we live keeping an eye on personal playtime is important – for mind, body and spirit. We all have responsibilities and sometimes we’ll miss a classic session because of prior commitments.

Surfing wetsuits and accessories
But in and around that there’s always a way to score surf or get out and play in the sea and on the beach. (Stay tuned for our splash ‘n’ dash tips article coming soon). You may have to put a little thought and planning into each session but this will pay dividends in the long run.
So if you really want to stay healthy, or at least feel better physically, now’s the time to get outdoors and make use of what Mother Nature naturally has on offer – the TV, Xbox, iPad, and smartphone can wait. After all, if surfing is now being prescribed by the medical fraternity, you’ve got the perfect excuse…
If you need a hand with choosing teh right wetsuit for surfing please get in touch here.