Quick fitness tips for those strapped for surfing time

Fitness. It’s an ugly word for many. Its mere utterance conjures up pictures of sweaty individuals grinding it out in gyms, pushing weights, flexing in the mirror and wooping and hollering at testosterone feats. While this isn’t an accurate picture (gyms are more sedate than this) we appreciate why people get put off.

But fitness – and in fact getting fitter for surfing – doesn’t have to be this way. Subtle changes to lifestyles can yield dramatic results. We’d all love to be at the beach more often, but sometimes work/life gets in the way. Fear not though as the following lists ways to go about getting fitter, even while stuck at work.

Take more daily steps

We all spend far too much time hunched over desks staring at computer screens. And unfortunately many end up falling into too sedentary a daily routine. To combat this take more steps. If someone offers to make tea/coffee why not be the one to make it. If there’s an option to stand and work then take it. Walk to the shops at lunchtime for your eats and if possible use your feet (or bike) for the daily commute. You could even get yourself a pedometer to track increased steps taken.

Walking up stairs

Strength and flexibility

Strength and flexibility is imperative if you’re an active type – especially a surfer. And while we’re not suggesting you spring to your feet and begin stretching when in the office there are some subtle routines you can go through.

Inconspicuous foot tapping is a good example of ‘deskercize’ designed to be accomplished while hammering those spreadsheets. There are plenty more you can achieve without raising eyebrows. Check out these suggestions.

Eat better – protein, protein

Eating better is always a good one to help you regain or improve fitness. Loading up on protein and whole grains, fresh veg and fruit while aiming for full meals is most beneficial. Stopping the mid-morning snacking or afternoon sugary pick me up is worthwhile. You’ll crash less, stay focused and concentrated on work tasks for longer and be poised for enhanced performance when back in the brine.


Think of your body as a motorised vehicle. Devouring a bag of crisps and quaffing a packet of McVities is akin to lobbing dirt in your petrol tank. A fresh salad on the other hand is more like premium fuel.

Drink plenty of water

Drink LOTS of water through the day. Water is a great way of flushing all those unwanted bacteria. Our bodies also need a decent amount of water to function properly. Water helps with our joint and muscle movement while protecting tissues and organs. It’s also important for building muscle mass and without – as if you needed to be told – we’d die.

Vitamin D – sunlight

Soaking up some rays is another important factor in getting fit, in this case mentally fit. Daily doses of Vitamin D are key to personal wellbeing, happiness and overall contentment. With constant reports of UV rays being harmful an often overlooked point is that sunlight can strengthen our immune system, helps cardiovascular functionality and increases effect functioning of the liver. Just don’t overdo that ray catching and wear sunscreen – even if getting out of the office for a leisurely stroll (a worthwhile exercise in its own right whatever the time of year).

Dawn patrol

And lastly: when you get the opportunity to get in the water for a session, take it. No matter for how short a period. After all, this is the fun part…