Polzeath surf forecast data suggests the next 12 days (at least) will see swell and winds from the east. That’s good news for surfers and plenty of reasons to get yourself down to Polzy for some fun and frolics in the flotsam!
Polzeath surf forecast oddities.
The weather this autumn has been a strange one that’s for sure. Autumn usually signals the start of big swells and wind. In between the storms surfers will often find a day where it’s offshore, if they keep an eye out. Or at the very least be able to bolt to their winter storm hole for some surfing goodness.

Autumn 2024 has been pretty calm. For sure, sunshine has been a bit lacking but the winds have been from an easterly offshore quadrant with around 2ft worth of surf. From a Polzeath surf forecast point of view, this is good for all wave riders. Consistent and friendly enough for beginners and families. With just enough juice to keep the hardened entertained.

Kids & Juniors 5mm Winter Wetsuits (backzip)

Kids & Juniors 5mm Winter Wetsuits (chest zip)
NCW – on hand for all your surfing wants/needs.
By the looks of various Polzeath surf forecast data the current trend will remain. SE winds do ramp up a little for tomorrow (Thurs Nov 6, 2024) but then it starts to drop. The weekend is looking bonza. And definitely worth any boarding crew heading on down for some blue juice! You may as well while it’s so calm.

NCW 5/4/3mm hooded Yamamoto thermal lined neoprene winter wetsuit for men

NCW 5/4/3mm hooded Yamamoto thermal lined neoprene winter wetsuit for women
Weather forecasts moving forward then suggest more of the same for at least the next 12 days. So again, plenty of reason to get some float time in the bag. And with that in mind North Coast Wetsuits is here for all your surfing wants/needs. And we’re only 10 mins away from Polzeath!
Why not pop in on your way past and grab some wetsuit or wetsuit accessory bargains. Whether new or used we’ve got plenty of goodies to get your ripping in comfort. Families, kids or hardcore surf rats NCW has you covered during this period.