Surf skating is another of our passions here at The Rubber Shack. Whilst we love getting wet in the brine we also enjoy a slide or two on Terra Firma. Surf skating has grown in popularity over the last few years> And we’ve been keen ever since we tried a Waterborne Skateboards setup. So much so we decided to set up a separate business and import WB gear into the UK.

What’s surf skating?
Unlike the type of skateboarding you’re accustomed to seeing surf skating is slightly different. Relying upon hyper manoeuvrable trucks (often the front one specifically) a surf skate can be pumped (moved without having to push) and carve 30% more than a street skateboard.
Surf skates were created to mimic surfing. and for many, this is true. Although surf skating is just fun in its own right. Particularly when riding transitions such as skatepark ramps and bowls. Mellow hills and inlices can also be good fun.
Waterborne Skateboards.
Full surf skate setups can be pricey. So when we came across the Waterborne Skateboards system we were pleasantly surprised.
Waterborne surf and rail adapters are retrofit to any existing skateboard deck and trucks. With the front surf adapter you can transform your existing skateboard into a surf skate. Installation takes around ten minutes. If you then add the rear surf rail adapter you increase the overall rail length lean. Rather than having to buy a complete, purchasing Waterborne surf and rail adapters is far more affordable.
More fun!
One reason to ride surf skateboards is the fun factor. You don’t need to chucking yourself down stairs or clearing massive gaps. Surf skating can be much mellower than this. Simply pumping round on the flats, at low speed, and practising your carves, swoops and turns is enough.

You can, as mentioned above, take your surf skating to bowls and transitions for additional excitement. Although this isn’t essential. Surf skating can be a low risk as you want. Which is one of its main attractions.
Waterborne at The Rubber Shack.
Having called in love with riding Waterborne Skateboards we looked deeper into bringing the gear into the UK. It became obvious pretty quick that importing bulk would be the most cost effective. And so it was that we set up our sister business

However, even though is a separate business on paper we’re all the same. Which is why you’ll find all our surf skating equipment onsite at The Rubber Shack. Note: we also deal with a bunch of quality thrid party surf skate brands which we can get hold of if you have any specific wants/needs.