NCW is super keen to promote the benefits of a healthy outdoor lifestyle – either on land or in the ocean. Regular followers of NCW’s blog will be very aware of this. Being active; keeping on keeping on; never stop moving and so on. There’s no better feeling than that warm, fuzzy, contented fatigue buzz at the end of day well spent in the outdoors. Whether it’s an actual outdoor adventure on land or sea born adventure in the brine any activity that keeps you fulfilled is great in our book.
No matter how hard you want it though, sometimes being stuck due to work or family or commitments means you simply can’t indulge in the hobbies you love. It’s super frustrating we agree. And yet, there are plenty of things you can do to keep moving. Unfortunately, we still spend more of our existence sitting and not being so active. A sedentary existence befalls us all, eventually, so we have to (literally) take steps to combat this.

When we get the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the sea or head off on an outdoor adventure, we should take it. Going to bed actively worn out is a good thing. Those endorphins will have been flowing and you’ll (hopefully) get a better night’s rest. OK, this isn’t always going to be the case but at least with that thought in mind, we can aim and hopefully hit the target. (We also appreciate that at some point you do need to take a breather. If it’s all go every day then you’ll wear yourself out too much).
Of course, sometimes we have to attend the daily life stuff. In which case, there are a few things you can do to keep mobile, be active and ready for the next bout of surfing, windsurfing, paddling, walking, climbing or whatever.
- Walk/cycle to the office.
- Stand, don’t sit, when on public transport.
- Take a lunchtime stroll.
- Make tea/coffee when chances arise for work colleagues thereby increasing your step count to and from the kitchen.
- Take the stairs, not the lift.
- Spend time with your kids, actively.
- Offer to run errands when needs arise, on foot, for family friends and colleagues.
- Take an evening walk/run/cycle.
- Walk to the shops.
- If a window of opportunity opens, outside your normal routine, for hobby indulgence then jump on it.
This isn’t an extensive list – there are plenty more ways to increase your physical output during a typical working weekday. Let us know what you get up to in pursuit of staying fighting fit for your active hobbies.
For anyone needing gear for watersports or outdoor adventure shenanigans then hit the following webshop links –