Not everyone is the same. No two bodies are alike. And that goes for limbs as well. But why should the shape and dimensions of your body limit what you can do? Here at NCW we firmly believe in watersports being for everyone. And with our in-house wetsuit alteration and fix service we can pretty much get everyone rubbered up and ready to ride.

Sometimes the wetsuit industry doesn’t account for those outside of what’s deemed ‘normal’ (although there’s no such thing!). So when an individual came to use seeking size 17 fleece lined 3mm neoprene socks we stepped up to get him kitted out. Over to NCW’s Becci who has the details on the newly christened Bryns (named after the chap in question).
Being able to offer alterations, repairs and custom products is great so if you have any ideas or need a product from us or elsewhere altering/fixing please get in touch! This alteration was to make some of our 3mm neoprene fleece lined socks from an XL (11-12) into a size 17! Luckily the width of the sock was already a perfect fit, so it was just a case of lengthening the product. Below is just a little step by step of the alteration.

3mm wetsuit socks with a fleece lining & grippy soles
I have made a pattern from these socks so for anyone in need of a larger wetsuit sock, do not hesitate to call or email [email protected].
1 – I cut 2 pairs of XL socks (the largest size we currently have) exactly the same, midway down the foot so there is a separate foot to toe section, and foot to ankle section.
2 – Putting one pair of cut up socks to the side, I measured 2 inches up from the foot to ankle section of the other pair and cut this strip off, creating our new piece to be added to the new socks. The cut offs not needed go into our box of neoprene to repurpose.
3 – I glued this new middle section to the pair of socks we put to one side.
4 – Finally I finished the socks by blind stitching the glued seams on the outside of the socks, there is no need to stitch the internal seam as it will rub on the foot.
If you wetsuits that require altering, repairs or you’re in need of something specifically modified then get in touch as we may be able to help you out.
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