O’Shea inflatable SUPs are now available through NCW’s webshop. In case you’d missed that. We appreciate you may not know which O’Shea SUP to choose though. With that in mind here’s a product overview to help you on your way to stand up paddle boarding bliss.
Beginner SUPers.
If you’re a newbie stand up paddler the O’Shea 10’6 HDx will be your go to board. It’s a friendly, all round SUP that’ll provide hours of recreational paddling fun. Heavier riders should plump for the slightly bigger 10’8 QSx which has a degree more stability born of the board being a tad longer and wider. Whilst smaller boned riders will be better with the 10’2 QSx board.

O’Shea 10’2 QXS Inflatable SUP board, full package

IN STOCK NOW : O’Shea 106 QXS Inflatable SUP, full package

SALE NOW ON – 20% off : O’Shea 10’8 QSx inflatable SUP, full package
Progressing paddlers.
O’Shea’s GT 11’2 compact touring stand up paddle board is a great choice for those looking to step up their paddling. Adventures abound with this SUP, that comes in two different constructions. Whether heading off on a mutli day jaunt or just investigating round the next bend the O’Shea GT is an awesome inflatable SUP.
Confident beginners will also find favour with the GT. There’s no reason why not!

IN STOCK NOW: O’Shea 11’2 GT HDx compact inflatable touring SUP, full package

SALE NOW ON – 20% off : O’Shea GT QSX 11’2 Inflatable SUP, full package
The O’Shea GROM.
For those of you with kids who are into SUP the child specific O’Shea GROM is designed with young ‘uns in mind. Its friendly dimensions are very applicable for kiddy SUP and they’ll love this board. Which fits a whole variety of different SUP applications.

O’Shea GROM QSx kids/small adult inflatable SUP 7’10 x 29″ x 135L, full package
For the full range of NCW stand up paddle boards and equipment hit the following link. If you have any questions just shout.