Cornish winter walks can be breathtaking. When you need some off season outdoor adventure there’s no better place than being next to the Cornish coast the coast in general actually). It might be cold but when blue skies materialise and crisp weather descends walking cliff pathways is awesome.
Cornish winter views.
Being so close to the sea it’s a short hop and skip from NCW’s Rubber Shack to the cliff tops above Port Quin. With a low sun shining those long shadows cast far into the distance. Breathing shows in the air as you exhale and the slight breeze chills. Wrapping up in warm clothing is essential. Even if it looks summery on camera.

Getting wet when the weather’s this way is doable, with the right wetsuit gear. But even then, for many, it’s just not that fun. And there are other ways to enjoy the outdoors and have a Cornish winter adventure. Walking and rambling along the Cornish coastal path being one.
Winter sun.
Of course, mooching about in the fresh air is made all the more bearable when skies are bright and blue. If it were grey and chucking down then perhaps motivations for Cornish winter walks mightn’t be as high. In this instance, there’s always the fire and a nice brew.
But as outdoor people, we need to be free. Even during the coldest of months. And as the saying goes: ‘there’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing’. sitting out some days, being ready for the next, is one way to keep motivated for getting outside in the off season.
Check out NCW’s range of outdoor adventure ready gear via the link below.
And then head over to NCW’s Outdoor Adventure Knowledge page for more inspiration.