NCW 3mm neoprene SUP/windsurf jackets/coats are now available. We posted about them landing recently. And now they’re finally here (as modeled by NCW’s illustrious leader in the header pic). After extensive trialing and testing we’re pretty chuffed with how they’ve turned out. And we think you will be as also.

NCW 3mm neoprene SUP/windsurf jacket to Dave.
Yep, it’s that bloke again. But as an NCW team rider and stand up paddler/windsurfer it’s only right that Dave Ludgate should be using these. So in his latest bundle from North Coast Wetsuits Dave has an NCW 3mm neoprene SUP/windsurf coat.

We wait with anticipation to see how he uses it. Knowing Mr Ludgate he’ll most likely be putting it to good environmental use during one of his many Cork Harbour clean ups.
NCW 3mm SUP/windsurf jacket – get ’em while they’re hot!
Whilst we do have stock of these rigging jackets currently we’re not sure how long they’ll stick around for. We know a few people have been eagerly awaiting their arrival. If you want your own then get on it ASAP.

3mm neoprene hooded SUP/windsurf coat/jacket – wear on land or in the water!
We should also add that the first few orders of these come with a free 15L NCW drybag.
But please don’t think we mean to push here. We just know how popular products like this can be. If you have any more questions about these or other NCW stock get in touch.