Pics by @cakejaggaley, Surfers Against Sewage.
Sewage in our seas and rivers are at unacceptably high levels currently. You may have seen reports in the news that some areas of the UK are seeing large discharges above the norm. You may have also seen the recent rejection of a bill by parliament. MPs voted against imposing more restrictions on water companies dumping sewage into rivers. The majority voted against. The outpouring of sometimes untreated effluent can still continue unhindered.
Record fine for water company.
A few weeks back there was a record fine issued to Southern Water for their illegal pollution of waterways.
The 90 million pound fine, however, is just a drop in the ocean. And Southern Water are still able to pump sewage into seas. This video (via BBC News) was captured by a drone pilot in one of the worst affected areas. and also made other national news coverage.
Bournemouth paddle our protest.
In Bournemouth a paddle out protest by local surfers was held at the weekend to further highlight the problem. And environmental activist group Surfers Against Sewerage have also been ramping up pressure.

Over the past few years there’s been widespread unloading of sewage into our seas and rivers. On the ground those who use and frequent these waters know only too well what’s been going on.
Locals taking action.
Some locals in certain areas have taken it upon themselves to shout about the problem and directly tackle the water companies responsible. It’s been a hard slog but it does seem like these voices are starting to be heard. Maybe. There’s a long way to go, however, before success can be claimed. And more support is needed. The more people that can get involved and join the fight the better.

So many people use the water around our country. From those with livelihoods directly impacted by issues like this to those who visit UK coasts and rivers once in a while. At some point you’ll be next to water, or possibly in it. And if water companies continue to get away with dumping sewage then all of us suffer.
Do your bit to stop sewgare discharges.
We feel strongly about the sewage in our seas problem and want to help (in our little way) by raising awareness. You can also do your bit by lobbying your local MP, protesting or joining groups like Surfers Against Sewerage.

Of course, there’s, even more, you can do. Calling the UK government, water companies and other agencies involved (like the Environment Agency) to stop what they’re doing puts more pressure on. And it’s this pressure that will hopefully force an end to these practices. For the good of our personal health and environment in equal measure.
Email your local MP to call an end to sewage pollution via the following link –