For a good many it’s slap bang in the middle of prime time season currently – as far as weather, air and water temps go. The fact is, however, we began the slide towards autumn a while back and days are only going to get shorter. A depressing thought maybe but the upside is autumn can deliver some of the most fun watersports conditions of the year.
For those who can’t stand crowds then the good news is schools are back, people are at work and silly season holidays have finished. This should mean quieter seas (good news for surfers) with (hopefully) less traffic on the roads. Low pressure systems also start whirling back into action thereby giving us more chance of scoring better surfing, windsurfing or whatever other conditions for watersports we need/want. Plus, the water’s at its warmest with air temperatures still being relatively good as well. It should stay this way (if we’re lucky and enjoy a warm autumn) right up until mid-November.

At some point, however, things will cool off significantly and we’ll hit winter proper. This may also bring about another groan but there are silver linings. Even greater probability of waves, more wind and some milder days. Yes, we do inevitably get freezing conditions but any seasoned surfer will know of those crisp, bluebird winter days with little to no wind and sunshine. It might be chilly but with rays on your face and a clean swell it can be extremely pleasant – as good as summer if not better.
There’s no question, however, in terms of autumn/winter rubber. For anyone planning on surfing through the off season you need a wetsuit fit for the job no matter what. If you want to get in early, and nab a wetsuit that’ll see you right this winter, then check out the following.
For any questions regarding NCW products, lead times and sizing give us a shout.