A few weeks back North Coast Wetsuits launched our Tahe Techno windsurfing freeride range. In a bid to broaden out our products, and support what we think is a viable part of windsurfing (the everyman, freeriding element), we’re now working with Tahe Techno windsurfing and Nautix windsurf sails via our friends at Lyon Outdoor.
Tahe Techno 148L Nautix Freeride 6m
For those in the know Tahe’s Techno range will be familiar. Previously BIC Windsurfing the iconic French windsurf brand underwent a rejig and name change earlier in the year. Their super popular Techno designs, however, remain exactly the same as previous – albeit with updated graphics. They’ve added a couple of new windfoil ready shapes (available through NCW’s partner site Foilshop UK) but those core freeride windsurfing shapes continue.

Nautix Windsurfing is another longstanding name in the windsurf industry. These guys launched a brand new line of freeride sails at roughly the same time BIC rebranded to Tahe. Again, offering easily unlockable freeride performance Nautix sails are a perfect fit to Techno windsurf boards.

Dave Ludgate (aka Subowti) – for those who follow NCW’s blog – will need no introduction. Our man from Cork is a super enthusiastic stand up paddle boarder, windsurfer, all round water lover and cleaner of Irish seas. Regularly out and about on his stand up paddle board Dave takes it upon himself to rid Cork waterways of plastic and rubbish debris as much as is possible. He also encourages others to follow suit and arranges beach cleans on a regular basis.
A keen windsurfer Dave epitomises the freeride windurfing spirit. As such he’s the perfect chap for the job of Tahe Techno/Nautix windsurfing ambassador. Mr Ludagte will soon be taking delivery of some awesome Tahe Techno and Nautix windsurfing kit which he’ll be putting to good use when the breeze blows. And as an addition we have it on good authority (from Dave himself) that more eco cleaning will be carried out with his new toys.

Dave says: ‘My name is Dave Ludgate and I run both Facebook @subowti and Instagram @subowti social media accounts. I’m very excited about working with Tahe/Nautix and continuing my association with North Coast Wetsuits as a team rider/brand ambassador. I have been windsurfing since I was a teenager and I’m really looking forward to getting some summer blasting on the Tahe Techno 148 and the Nautix Freeride 6m under my belt. Here’s to long days and summer breezes.’

Of course, as well as some awesome new windsurfing toys Dave will carry on rocking the NCW rubber and wetsuit accessories. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled, to both Dave’s social media streams and NCW’s accounts to see what the Irish man gets up to.
For more windsurfing goodness hit up the following links –