Comedic Cornish slang titles aside there’s no question the weather, or more specifically air temperatures are on the lower side of late. In other words, as a proper Cornish fellow would say: ’tis bleddy cold, like.
So what of a change? Any sign?
As watersports people we’re beholden to the weather – whatever level and whatever discipline you subscribe to. Currently, there’s not much take up because of these low mercury levels – unsurprisingly. Scanning long range forecast data and short term thinking is a slight return to milder air flows which’ll pep up those thermometer readings a bit. The Met Office suggests the following:
Thursday Feb 16 – Thursday Feb 25, 2021.
‘This period begins with temperatures much milder than as of late, with temperatures returning to around average/ slightly above average for most and with some mild spells being seen in the south and west. The UK looks to be split broadly east and west in terms of the general weather types with the west being wet with strong winds at times, and the east being drier and finer. Any snowfall also then most likely becomes restricted to the Scottish mountains. From the weekend of the 20th, there are signs of more widespread settled conditions becoming established – which would correspond with temperatures falling back to below average, and with increased incidence of overnight frost and fog.

So, based on the above, perhaps there’ll be a brief respite? We say brief as further on from that weather signals are for a return to below average temperatures and possibly more snow.
As with all long range weather data, outside of three days ahead, it’s hard (nigh impossible) to be 100% accurate. Take this therefore with a pinch of salt and don’t bet your life savings on the fact. As a guide it may do a good job of preparing. And if Momma Nature sees fit to bestow some friendly conditions upon us then lap it up as it mightn’t last. Fortunately, we’re getting ever closer to spring so keep your chin up and focus on that… In a flash everyone’ll be complaining about 35C+ heatwaves!
It’s comin’. Dreckly.
See the full Met Office long range forecast here –
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