It’s certainly getting colder, as we’re all aware. Yet whilst it’s not completely Baltic (at time of writing) there’s definitely a chill in the air and pretty soon Jack Frost will be making an appearance – hence you’ll be needing a hoodie like this.
Whether you’re out and about for a mooch or are rambling hard up and down dales NCW’s new Sherpa fleece lined hoodies have got you covered – literally.

Being super warm this hoodie will fend off any kind of cold attack, keeping you nice and cosy with whatever you’re up to. In terms of design and quality these hoodies have been lovingly embroidered with NCW’s logo in the heart of Kernow (that’s Cornwall to the layman if you didn’t already know).
So while you may think these are just another hoodie there’s more to them than that. Unique aesthetics, quality and function and all from an on point UK brand with nothing but performance and longevity in mind. Nab one of your own, in an array of colour choices, before stocks are gone!
Hit the following link to find out more –
Whilst you’re here why not have a look at NCW’s full range of clothing in the webshop –