Looking at the rain lashing down, and the wind howling, you’d be forgiven for thinking: that’s it, all done, time to hibernate! For many, that may be the case but with the UK’s being so changeable in terms of weather we’re pretty sure there’ll be some sunnier days of autumn still to come yet (or at least weather windows offering some brighter conditions).
If you have young children it can be tricky at this time of year if they’re still keen to get in the sea. Some may be hardy but little ones feel the cold much quicker than adults. But it isn’t beyond the realms of possibility that your offspring can be taking a dip right up until Christmas, as long as Mother Nature plays ball. You’ll just need the right gear for your kids to make sure they don’t turn blue!

Here at NCW we have a range of own brand NCW wetsuits and accessories as well as third party kit from the likes of Swarm (a subsidiary of Typhoon wetsuits). We have 100% confidence in our rubber and can guarantee this’ll prolong your children’s season right up until the last minute. It’ll also help with getting wet early come spring.
If you’re looking for new kiddy rubber then check out the NCW shop but be aware stocks won’t last forever. Likewise, if you have any question just holla!
(Oh, and just as a sidebar we also stock O’Shea stand up paddle boards as seen in the accompanying images to this post. Again, shout if you’re keen or need more SUP info).