Oli came to NCW just mere days ago looking to get hold of a wetsuit to keep him going through the winter. As it transpires the chap probably wasn’t planning on anything other than hibernating until he suddenly found himself with a stand up paddle board, paddle, camera and job to do…We wanted to investigate.
You’ve pretty much been thrust to front line of watersports these last few weeks. Did you have any prior experience before?
I spent a day week over a couple of years during my teens flying around in little toppers during CCF so in answer to your question, no unless a pink flamingo lilo counts. All jokes aside I’ve literally only stepped on a surfboard once, a windsurfing board once, a SUP once and all those times weren’t particularly successful.
What’s your discipline of choice and why?
So far it has been SUP as it seems a great choice for entering the world of watersports. Stand up paddle boarding requires limited equipment compared to windsurfing and really gets a good feel for balancing on two feet on the water as well as understanding the conditions without the need for a PHD in aero/hydrodynamics. I also only have an ordinary saloon car which means transporting vast amounts of kit would be difficult. But the SUP gets thrown on my roof rack, I sling the paddle in the back on off I go.

How’ve you been finding it?
Yeh, love it. The weather so far has been beautiful which has allowed me to get out there in ideal conditions for a beginner. Fairly smooth water and light wind with only moderate chop. I’ve fell off a fair amount of times but I have been informed that as beginners go I’m doing as great job. I do feel, however, being rather top heavy I have awful centre of gravity, so if I’m managing it you can too.
And what about these wing things? You’ve had a go with one of those haven’t you?
I certainly have. And winging was great fun and seemed intuitive and simple to set up with what seem a complicated gear combo with windsurfing. What is essentially a big blown up kite with handles makes the logic of it very simple and you are literally holding it in your hand so you can feel where it needs to lie in the wind so as I say it comes fairly naturally. I’m yet to get the hang of going wingfoiling at 100mph on it due to confidence and getting decent balance on my feet. On the plus side it looks cool. I even got chatted up by the local OAPs who seemed to think I looked cooler than I felt. My ego was well and truly massaged.

Tell us about the wetsuit you’ve just purchased as well?
I have bought a Typhoon Storm 5/4/3 BZ from North Coast Wetsuits. I have to say I had next to no idea what I was doing in terms of choosing a wetsuit but Mark did a great job pointing me in the right direction – can’t beat great customer service. It’s been on and it is safe to say it fits perfectly, much better than the usual rental naff suits I have tried on. Fits nicely around neck as well without the usual irritation and has a nice long zip rope so it’s easy to get on and off.

Also, we hear you’ve also been given the task of photography duties for a certain magazine editor we know only too well. That been fun?
It’s been fun and been a real insight into the world of watersports and if I’m being honest has given me a drive to try other disciplines. For me it’s a double win. I get to be out on the beach and break up my usual daily routine as well as getting to hone my photography skills and learn from the best along the way in terms of watersports.
What are you thinking in terms of your watersports journey moving forwards? Any specific plans?
I have a feeling it’s going to lead to me spending more money than I should because it’s given me the buzz to go and get a shed load of windsurfing kit! We are blessed to live in a great hotspot for watersports here on the south coast; from windsurfing, kitesurfing, to SUPing, kayaking and all the foil versions. I’d like to give them all ago and then probably dive into the one I like the most and stick with it. I live 5 minutes from the beach so it seems a real waste to not utilise that geographic advantage. My plan is to ponce some more equipment off of my friend, he’s going to teach me and we shall go from there! Windfoiling is what really tickles my fancy long term, due to the speed it can reach. Watching those guys gliding through the sea sitting 1m or so above looks unreal. I want to be that guy.

How do you think it’ll be in winter? Still keen to get afloat?
Bloody cold! Yeh for sure, I have just bought a heavy-duty winter wetsuit so its money wasted if I don’t. I often go a for a weekly swim in the cold sea anyway so I’m not too worried about the chill. Although I’d like to get better at not falling in from my stand up paddle board.
Any final comments about watersports in general?
I grew up wearing all the well known surfer brands but never really was in the scene, so I guess I’m water boy at heart. Getting stuck in to watersports feels really natural, only time will tell. I’m lucky that I’m surrounded by some real talent and I live in right location for it. I’d say if you’re ever curious about watersports then just go out and give it a go, you won’t regret it. It’s a cool community.