Maybe this summer has been all about learning a new skill, be that surfing, stand up paddle boarding or similar. Perhaps you’ve had some lessons and have been consolidating what you’ve learned. You may have been plugging away, having fun, learning even more and are now at a point.
There’s still some belief that as autumn swings in all watersports have to halt until next spring, which actually isn’t so. Post-summer is the time when our seas are at their warmest and with luck on our side Mother Nature will see fit to deliver us a mild autumn with opportunity to still get out and indulge.

That said there’ll certainly be a ramping up of conditions. Waves will get bigger and frequency of solid swell will increase. Sessions applicable to your intermediate learning curve will still be scored, however, but it’s autumn where you’ll be able to test yourself further and your surfing game, albeit sensibly.
We’re not suggesting you become a big wave hunter overnight. And we’re not expecting anyone to put themselves in harm’s way. But with more chance of ‘scoring’ you’ll be able to push over any plateau you’ve hit and advance. By next spring you’ll have consolidated those skills and be well on your way to those next stages.
Sports like surfing require us to improve otherwise you’ll never be able to make the most of what you’re served up. Autumn will give you a window to do just that. Make sure you have the appropriate water wear, such as decent wetsuit, and you don’t take unnecessary risks. Ride with others more experienced who’ll keep an eye out. With a decent autumn on the cards (finger’s crossed) you’ll be having no end of fun if you choose to challenge yourself a little more.
For any advice regarding thicker rubber for autumn (and even winter) surfing get in touch with us here at NCW.