Some keen, beady-eyed beavers may have spotted this already having seen the Facebook share we did recently. As a premium, UK based, inflatable stand up paddle board company McConks SUP are keen to give something back rather than just take. In fact, McConks SUP shares similar ethics to NCW.
NCW recently partnered with McConks for their Go Inspire SUP raffle where punters had opportunity to win a full ‘get you the water’ inflatable stand up paddle board package and accessories, including NCW’s ever-popular Long John wetsuit – the perfect paddling attire. Proceeds from the raffle are now being offered out, in application form, to give businesses who use SUP to help others, such as vulnerable of disadvantaged kids.

NCW is obviously stoked to be part of this as we love stand up paddle boarding, ourselves enjoying a bit of float time when circumstances allow. if you want to find out more about McConks then hit up their website for more –