If you pay close attention to what’s going on with the UK’s weather then you may have spotted change is afoot. After one of the wettest and windiest periods in history (good for some – the wind that is) it now seems Mother Nature may finally be getting her spring together.
For the even keener bean, who possibly follows what the Met Office puts out, the meteorological font of knowledge posted their ten-day weather trend a day or so ago. With this comes some hope, for those of us wanting some proper sunshine, lighter breeze and bluer skies. Simply put there’s a strong signal suggesting next week (commencing March 16, 2020) will see some ‘proper weather’ based on the time of year. In fact, for many parts, today (Fri 13, 2020) is sunny, warm (ish) and enticing enough to get peeps out in the open. And let’s be honest, with what’s going on in the world not being couped up inside is only a good thing!
If watersports are your thing, but you’re of a fair-weather nature, then now’s the time to make a break for it and head into the sun, ending your hibernation period as you do.
But you might need some watery protection for the start of the new season. Step forward NCW’s 1.5mm thermal, hooded, sleeveless rashvest.

This is the perfect bit of kit for layering with a 3mm wetsuit, for instance, and turning a potentially chilly session into something rather more enjoyable. As temps hot up you can loose the rashy or even your suit, perhaps just using the rashvest (sans hood of course) with just a pair of neoprene strides or even boardshorts if it gets that warm. Miracles do happen!
So, take note, have some optimism, go with the Met Office’s prediction and get back on the horse this weekend and into next week. Who knows, it might be raining again after so make hay while the sun shines and all that!
If you have any product enquiries then give us a holla as we’re only too happy to help…